Welcome to West Wind Consulting Strategies in Fund Raising LLC.
Our founder Kathy Cole grew up on a farm in the Finger Lakes, aware that a change in weather came from a West Wind. She launched the firm in 2002 to provide fundraising advice and counsel to a select group of clients throughout the United States who were ready for change. She saw campaigns as opportunities, not only to reach financial goals, but to strengthen overall fundraising capacity and the organization as a whole.
We know our approach is unique. But so is your organization.
If you want to work with consultants who listen attentively, care deeply, and think strategically about your organization’s success today and in the long term, explore our site or be in touch.
Maya Gasuk, Managing Partner
News from Fundraising Consultants in Ithaca New York
You Can’t Win the Race If You Are Looking Out of the Boat
After a brief stint on the crew team in college, I ended up serving as a rowing coach and coxswain for a local rowing club in my hometown for a little over a decade. Being the little person jammed into the “back” seat is about more than just yelling stuff, which is...
Lessons Learned about Fundraising in the Pandemic
My last trip to see a client onsite was February 28, 2020. After I flew home, a friend who is a virologist gave me some masks, wipes, and advice to buy three weeks of groceries “just in case.” So I did. (If he’d told me to buy toilet paper, I’d have said he was a...
Taking Control of Your Fundraising: The Power of Feasibility-Based Goals
How nice would it be to set a fundraising dollar goal that you had confidence in? Around now, many programs are developing goals for the coming fiscal year. I’ll be the first to say that fundraisers are a fundamentally optimistic community by nature – it’s part of...
Fundraising and Development Consulting New York
West Wind Consulting
Phone: 607-272-4488
E: Maya@west-windconsulting.com
Address: 120 Brindley Street • Suite 7 • Ithaca, NY 14850